Xiang Gu

Phone: (+86) 15051776462

Email(personal): [email protected]

Email(school): [email protected]

Web3 Address & Social: iloveyou1314.eth

Current Location: Shanghai, China

Personal Statement

As a final year undergraduate student at Nanjing University of Science and Technology, I have honed my expertise in Machine Learning, focusing on finding solutions to better adapt pre-trained foundation models into downstream tasks across modalities. My passion has been further validated through my contributions to conference papers at ECAI 2024, where I introduced dynamic multimodal prompt tuning for VLM-guided point cloud models. Currently, I am eager to pursue a Ph.D., seeking opportunities to delve deeper into the cutting-edge world of AI research.

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B. S. in Engineering
Nanjing University of Science and Technology
September 2021 - June 2025
GPA: 3.43/4

Research Publications

Research Experience

Working Experience


Additional Information